3 Strategies To Go From
$500 ➡️ $5,000 Jobs
a 60 minute workshop to help you work with the right clients, sell the right offers with confidence & scale your creative business towards 6 figures.

Inside This Free 60 Minute Workshop You'll Get..

Strategies That Will Take You From $500 to $5,000+ / Job

Implementation Tips To Get Growing Today

Bonus Pricing Calculator To Price Your Work With Ease
What's Up! I'm Your Workshop Host, Joey Speers!
I'm a filmmaker and photographer by trade and a creative business coach aiming to build a world where more creatives get paid to do what they love.
I started my filmmaking business decade ago. Still feels crazy to say that.
My work took me to 20 countries before the age of 20 and gave me time, location and financial freedom like I'd never imagined. I even made my first 6 figures as a creator at age 19.
Although that sounds impressive, it's not. I started my video business when I was 14 so I struggled for 5 years.. barely making more than $30,000-$50,000 a year because I was focused on the wrong things.
When I was 19, I learned success as a creator is a culmination of focusing on the right strategies for the right amount of time.
Moving into my 20's, I hit my stride. I felt like I finally understood why I wasn't succeeding in the earlier years of my career. I made changes that actually caused growth, and man, that felt good.
I grew my business, simplified my offerings (simple always scales) and started to build out a creative team of my own to tackle our clients projects.
In 2019, I remember laying sleepless one night, scrolling through my dms, full of creators begging for help - so they could also get paid to do what they loved. My heart broke for them because I remember what it felt like to not have the tools to make money as a creator and fear having to admit to your peers your "creative hustle didn't work" or even worse to have to get a normal job.
I dedicated a few months to working on breaking down the systems I'd built that led me making 6 figures as a creator, and it was time to share them.
For the last 4 years, I've been running an online education platform for creatives, called Creativ Rise. Our entire goal is to equip creatives with the tools, strategies, community and accountability to get paid to do what they love. I'm trying to help 1,000 creatives hit $100,000/year+ (I'm getting there... I've helped create almost 200 so far - and that's what I know of!)
This free 60 minute workshop will give you 3 of the many tools that have helped me and plenty of other creatives smash the 6 figure mark.
Dive in, enjoy the value and please, apply what you learn!
Cheering for you and your business!
- Joey

some happy clients